• SCF-WD1000/1200/1500型全自动双层塑料薄膜封切机
  • 更新时间:2016/12/26

  • 产品简介Introduction
    本设备是塑料薄膜连续横向底封和切断的全自动制袋机,适用于热塑性塑料薄膜( 高密度聚乙烯HDPE、低密度聚乙烯LDPE及聚丙烯PP ) 等。本机采用伺服电机,微电脑控制,自动控温、变频调速、静电消除、自动计数和讯响、光控自动送料等装置。配套光电眼检测装置,能准确控制各种印有装潢图案薄膜的封切位置。它是制作彩印薄膜袋理想的自动化设备。 
      This equipment is plastic film continuous horizontal bottom sealing and cutting off the automatic bag making machine. It is suited for Thermoplastic film (HDPE, LDPE and PP) etc.. Equipped with auto. Temperature Control, Frequency Speed Control, Servo Motor, Static Elimination, auto. Counting, Sound Generator and Optical Control auto. Feeding etc.. It is equipped with Photocell Detector, which can precisely control cutting place of film printed with various upholster design. It is the ideal auto. Equipment for color printing film bag. 
    技术参数Technical Parameter
    型号 MODEL SCF-WD1000 SCF-WD1200 SCF-WD1500
    最大宽度 Max. Cutting Width 1000mm 1200mm 1500mm
    封切长度 Cutting Length 25-2000mm 25-2000mm 25-2000mm
    产量 Production 60m/min 60m/min 60m/min
    薄膜厚度 Film Thickness 0.02-0.25mm 0.02-0.25mm 0.02-0.25mm
    整机功率 Total Power 4.25KW 4.5KW 5.5KW
    电源 Voltage AC220V AC220V AC220V
    外形尺寸 Size 5.6×1.545×2.05m 5.6×1.745×2.05m 5.6×2.1×2.1m
    整机重量 Weight 1475KG 1580KG 1750KG
    Note: The above parameters are for reference only, if there are any changes without prior notice.
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